Here’s the Scoop

7 Mindfulness Shifts to Gain Distance from Negative Thoughts

Simplicity is a State of Mind

Somerset Studios, March/April 2011 Simplicity is a state of mind! Simple pleasures are the millions of tiny miracles that take our breath away. Gazing at the fiery brilliance of the sun melting into the horizon, the smell of fresh cut hay, the sound of a light rain...

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Catching Up with YOU

Catching Up with YOU

This is published in the March/April 2015 Somerset mom is the babe on the right. How hard can it be to keep up a blog.  Apparently for me it's difficult!!!  It's been forever since I've made an entry.  The end of last year was certainly emotionally rough. ...

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Creativity…It’s in our DNA!!! Part 1

Yup...that is what I believe.  People say to me often, "I wish I was creative like you...I don't have a creative bone in my body."  I respectively disagree.  My very first art business thirty-five years ago was called Co-Creations.  The name came from my belief that...

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