I have committed to writing a blog post at least once a week and as synchronicity would have it as soon as I committed to this an opportunity arose.  Denise Fountain, a Health, Wellness and Sanity Coach for Moms, invited me to take part in a blog tour…thanks Denise..this is my first one!!!  We are asked to answer four questions and you can read Denise’s response to the blog tour  My Writing Process Blog Tour here.

What am I working on?

Over the past four years I’ve had the pleasure of writing articles for Somerset Studio Magazine.  It has been such a creative outlet and a way to share the art process and mixed media techniques with people all over the world.  Presently I am taking a class called Uplevel Your Creativity with Christine Kane.  It is expanding the direction of my work and what I am writing.  The mission of Art by e’Layne, besides creating inspirational art, is mentoring women in their brave, transformational journey to claim their power creatively, financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  I am currently working on “Claim Your Personal Power Tool Kit” which will be a free gift to my tribe.  It talks about all the ways we give away our power and actions we can take to claim our power so we live a happy, purpose filled life.  It also contains a couple of arty surprises!!!

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

There are many ways each person is totally different than anyone else on the planet.  We all have different finger prints and so the way in which we touch the world is unique.  No two voices are alike therefore the world needs our individual voice and perspective.  Nobody on the planets eyes are the same and so we all see the world differently.  One of my mentors recently passed away, Angeles Arrien.   As a cultural anthropologist she names the different stages of our lives.  I am in the youth of my wisdom years and realize it is time to intimately and authentically share with women the story of my life.  I believe we learn, grow and identify with each other through story telling.  I have a background in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and a deep belief that we have everything we need inside to grow a happy life.  My teachings and mentoring blossoms from this belief.  

Why do I write what I do?

The simple answer is….I can’t not.  Sharing with women ways to enrich life and how to craft a beautiful life is paramount.  These last decades of my life (hopefully I have a few more decades here) I want to help facilitate transformation.   I remember when I was a lost, lonely soul.  My thoughts consumed me and I felt paralyzed by fear.  By working with mentors and by reading and following the wisdom of other people I was able to overcome my belief that life would be “right’ when circumstance outside myself lined up…when I was the perfect weight or had the perfect partner or job.  I learned the answers for a happy life were inside and began the process of growing myself in barren soil.  I am passionate about sharing the nutrients that enriched my life and to reach out to countless women and support them in doing their soul’s work.

How does my writing process work?

When I’m writing for a magazine or working on a project such as Claim Your Power Tool Kit, I write in spurts.  First I try to get all the ideas out of my head in bullet form and start writing about the topic with the most juice.  I write as long as I feel inspired.  The moment the inspiration leaves…I stop.  Coming back to a piece of writing with fresh eyes is always illuminating.  In the down time the message seems to grow stronger inside me and the voice of the writing gets clearer with some distance from the work.  When the work is complete I always have it edited.  That way I’m sure my message is communicated clearly or I find out parts of my writing needs to be reworked.

Want to get my latest news and know when I’m giving away “Claim Your Personal Power Tool Kit“….sign up here.  You will also receive “Techniques of a Thriving Artist” when you sign up.

I am passing the torch to four fantastic women for this Writing Blog Tour.

Donna Harmony-Jones, a Registered Nurse since 1978, blends mainstream medicine with diverse, complementary, and holistic approaches that assist individuals to maximize their health and well-being.  When faced with a serious health challenge in 1994, Donna sought the root causes of her stress induced disease. She explored many complementary approaches to health restoration.

She also gained a deeper understanding of the health and healing principles of ‘right relationship’, balance and caring for the whole person.  Over the ensuing years Donna expanded her professional capacity to include starting a business providing holistic health counseling and Healing Touch.

Providing therapeutic intervention, skilled listening, resource information and insightful perspectives, Donna accompanies clients on their unique journey of empowerment and self-healing, providing assessment, education and therapeutic interventions in a safe, caring environment.  You can find Donna at Heart Centered Connections.

Jessica Leigh Brogan is a published writer and Mixed Media artist. She is also the creator of the internationally popular Inspirational Card Deck Swap.
Aimée Wheaton has been a creative and professional graphic designer and visual artist for more than 20 years. Her love of art began when she was a young girl where she explored the use of bright colors and painted rocks and bottles. She earned her BA degree at SUNY Plattsburgh in Fine Arts and a minor in Graphic Design. She pursued her career in graphic arts and worked as a designer for 15+ years. Some of her designs were published in industry standard magazines. She got tired of the corporate life and discovered mixed media art. Soon after came family life. Now she juggles being a wife, mother to her 2 young daughters and her art career. Residing in Florida she participates in local art/gallery events as well as sells her art online and in local boutiques. She also has her own online classes as of 2014.   You can find Aimee here.
Licia Berry is an artist, author, and educator who specializes in whole brain communication and utilizing creative arts for discovery, balance, and reaching potential. This has a multitude of applications in organizational development, in leadership, in family systems, in relationships, and in personal transformation. A 25-year teaching veteran, she has impacted young and adult learners in public schools, state agencies, non-profits, corporate environments, universities, and the private sector. Having transformed challenging circumstances into fuel to propel her forward to make the world a more accepting, loving place, Licia also has a keen and abiding passion to empower women through her Women’s Leadership Circles curriculum. Learn more about Licia’s work at www.LiciaBerry.com.
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1 Comment

  1. Licia Berry

    Just read your post…what a lovely (and powerful) writing voice you have! I’m grateful for your writing and glad you are claiming your place as “A Woman with Something to Say” (the title of my piece that I will publish tomorrow) in the world.


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