Wow…where does the time go…it’s Saturday not Wednesday…oops. My lesson a couple of weeks ago was to finish art that I started years ago. I began CLLW working on just that…but then “art” had a mind of it’s own. I had orange paint left over and I didn’t want to waste paint. A couple of year ago I took a wonderful workshop from the Oiseaux Sisters. Dear Susan made us so mindful of everything we were using. She wastes nothing. When paint is left on the palette it was to go onto book pages to use for another project. Well the page I was putting the unused paint on became more interesting to me than the piece I was working on. And once again I abandoned the “old” piece I was going to finish and made a new piece of art.
The lesson is to go with the flow…it’s fine to have a plan…and it’s also fine to be flexible. My flexibility yielded me a piece of art I really like….I had the realization recently that I need to spend more time manifesting my own dreams…writing my life story…and the message came through in this piece of art.the “old” piece I was working on
journal page with used paint
what the journal page turned into
I see myself on that tree,as a small leaf. Eventually,I will be strong enough to blow away, and play with the other leaves!
Hey Summer…we will all be playing with other leaves in a few days!!! Thanks for reading…xxxxoooo