Less Expectations = More Happiness

by | Jan 16, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Expectations – Watch What They Do

The Surfboard I Didn’t Get for Christmas

When I was a teen, many of my friends had surfboards, and I asked for one for Christmas. I could see myself catching a wave, although I had never surfed. My friends told me I was getting the surfboard I so desired. Imagine my deflation when I tiptoed into the living room Christmas expecting to see my new board, only to see a styrofoam kickboard. Needless to say, that was the worst Christmas ever.

Expectations are fertile soil to grow disappointments and miscommunications. When we bring awareness to the mind’s wandering and our conversations, we’ll sometimes notice that we hope to get a need met. But when we are attached to a specific outcome, we set ourselves up to suffer emotionally if that need isn’t met.

It’s helpful to watch our expectations and see what we can learn from them.

1 Practice to Tune into the Body

To recognize expectations in your body, slow down your breath. Think of an expectation and scan your body for sensations like tension or anticipation. Notice what these clues reveal about your feelings. This brief exercise enhances your awareness of expectations’ physical impact.

2 Shifts to Observe the Mind…with curiosity and an open heart

When you observe yourself having an expectation, realize you are living in the future. Bring yourself back to the task you are doing at the moment…let the rest go.

If you realize you have a lot of expectations, you can reframe your thinking. Repeat in your mind a phrase like, “I like surprises” or “I appreciate whatever I receive.”

3 Quotes and a Question to Awaken the Soul 

“Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly.” – Tony Robbins

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” – Alexander Pope

“Expectations are premeditated resentments.” – Anonymous

And drumroll…the Question

Do my expectations hinder any of my relationships?

My book has a section – The Fourth Shift – Bravely Ask Good Questions. It addresses expectations and ways to get more curious about life and our inner workings. It also addresses not expecting people to read our minds…I know I’ve been guilty of that one!!!

Big love to all of you. Thanks so much for visiting, e’Layne

To buy my #1 Amazon Bestselling book, click on the picture of my book below. It has lots of exercises to quiet the minds of the loud-mouth naysayers. If you’ve purchased my book and haven’t left a review, I would really appreciate it if you would…Amazon puts books in front of more people based on reviews, e’ xooxo



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