1-2-3 Let It Be EASY Wednesday Sustenance for the Body, Mind, and Soul – Savor!

by | Jan 8, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Simplicity = Peace and Freedom

I have found that in the quiet mind, intuition finds voice…and it finds creativity and a sense of spaciousness instead of a lot of mental chatter. Embracing simplification is like opening the windows to our soul, letting in a fresh breeze that clears away the clutter of chaos and confusion. As we strip away the non-essentials, we create space for what truly matters, allowing our authentic selves to shine. Imagine waking up each day to an uncluttered mind and a serene environment that nurtures creativity and joy. By simplifying, we invite more clarity, purpose, and peace into our lives. Let this journey inspire us to focus on experiences over possessions, connections over distractions, and serenity over stress. In simplification, we find the beautiful essence of life—living deeply, meaningfully, and wholeheartedly.

1 Practice to Tune into the Body

I have found if I just bring healthy food home, I don’t have to keep using willpower to not eat a half a box of mint Girl Scout cookies. If I want a treat, I have to exert effort to go get it, and most of the time, I don’t.

2 Shifts to Observe the Mind…with curiosity and an open heart

Pick one simplifying task and set a timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, observe how you feel about your accomplishments that only took a few minutes.

Mentally, get rid of things in your home and observe your thoughts about moving them along. If there is no objection, put it in the “to go” pile.

3 Quotes and a Question to Awaken the Soul 

Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify”. – Henry David Thoreau

“Don’t underestimate the extent to which your surroundings impact your mood, thoughts, and behaviors.” – Unknown

“Clutter smothers. Simplicity breathes.” – Terri Guillemets

And drumroll…the Question

What keeps you from curating your life? Is it time, attachment, sentiment, or something else?

My book has a section – Simplify Your Life. I share an exercise I made up called Get Rid of 1,000 Things Challenge…count anything you want, emails, toothpicks..it doesn’t matter, and get rid of it. It’s a blast once you get started. If you do it, please let me know what it was like for you.

Big love to all of you. Thanks so much for visiting, e’Layne

To buy my #1 Amazon Bestselling book, click on the picture of my book below. It has lots of exercises to quiet the minds of the loud-mouth naysayers. If you’ve purchased my book and haven’t left a review, I would really appreciate it if you would…Amazon puts books in front of more people based on reviews, e’ xooxo


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