by e’Layne Kelley

receive OUR FREE LIGHT SWITCH TUTORIAL including Material List, Video Tutorial, Inspirations & More.

My video will teach you how to make this easy project, even if you haven’t crafted before. This simple Light Switch DIY project allows you to infuse your home with your personality and words of inspiration.

Use cherished family photos, your own artwork, or any designer elements you love to create a meaningful, handmade piece of art.

Adorn your everyday surroundings with beautiful and motivational light switch covers that look unique and light you up whenever you enter a room.

This FREE creative Tutorial will teach you how to create a meaningful Light Switch Cover for Pennies. Engage Your Creativity to Transform Your Space.
From the Pros – Somerset Apprentice, Autumn 2011
I am … Dizzy with ideas and absorbed in the arts in every aspect of my life. Even though I’ve been a working artist for decades, there is a bubbling wellspring of creativity that is so new, and fresh…the excitement keeps me awake when I should be sleeping!!! My...
The Power of Discernment – Somerset Apprentice, Spring, 2011
The definition of discerning is to exhibit keen insight and good judgment. When I’m feeling over emotional or confused about an event in my life, instead of immediately reacting I try to remember to stand back and give the situation time to unfold. I use the downtime...
From Intuition to Fruition – Somerset Studios, January/February 2011
When I first read Somerset Studio’s submission call for mixed media projects about anything poppy, it didn’t spark my creative juices. But then something funny happened. A color I had all but dismissed in my in wardrobe choices, in my interior design and in my art...